General Motors Workers’ Compensation Claims

My father and I have represented hundreds of Saturn and GM employees in their workers’ compensation claims since 1993. Spring Hill is fortunate to be the home of one of the largest automotive assembly plants and other automotive component assembly facilities. We hope GM will commit to bringing another product here soon.

The Spring Hill manufacturing facility provides thousands of jobs to hard working Tennesseans. Unfortunately, the physical work involved in automotive assembly, mainly at or above chest level, can cause permanent injuries that affect an employee’s ability to perform hard labor. We know how to properly present a case against GM.

Given the trends of the national economy in this field, it is important that injured automobile assembly workers secure immediate and lifetime medical benefits, temporary wages while out of work, and all other compensation owed to them.

P.S. We are pro-union. We support the UAW. We support the Teamsters, electricians, plumbers and pipefitters and we support the teachers, police and firemen.