What are the Long-Term Impacts of a TBI?

Traumatic brain injuries are some of the more severe injuries a person can sustain. Moderate to severe traumatic brain injuries can leave victims with long-lasting or even permanent effects. These injuries can occur in adults, children, infants, and newborns and they happen due to a wide array of causes. While recovery is possible, is it is important to thoroughly understand the long-term effects a victim could suffer from.

Physical impacts of a traumatic brain injury

Our brains are our body’s command center, and an injury to the brain can significantly affect our motor skills. Some of the most common examples of how a significant brain injury can affect a person include the following:

  • Paralysis
  • Problems walking, talking, or swallowing
  • Vision problems
  • Muscle stiffness or uncontrolled movements
  • Difficulty carrying or moving objects
  • Loss of fine motor skills (like buttoning a short)
  • Inability to recognize something based on touch

Other physical effects of a TBI can include:

  • Sleep disorders
  • Loss of stamina
  • Appetite changes
  • Chronic pain
  • Loss of control of bladder or bowel
  • Hormonal changes
  • Difficulty regulating body temperature
  • And more

Cognitive problems after a traumatic brain injury

A person’s cognitive abilities can change after a TBI, and this can include:

  • Difficulty with attention, concentration, and focus
  • Memory problems
  • Easily distracted
  • Slow speed processing information
  • Confusion
  • Impulsiveness
  • Difficulty processing language
  • Perseveration (persistent repetition of a word, gesture, or act)
  • Problems with executive functions (this can include planning, cognitive flexibility, determining right from wrong, inhibiting inappropriate actions, abstract thinking, and more)

Speech and language problems

Many TBI victims experience aphasia, or difficulty talking or expressing ideas, understanding language, as well as problems reading or writing.

  • Receptive aphasia refers to a difficulty understanding spoken words.
  • Expressive aphasia refers to a person knowing what they want to say but being unable to get the right words out.

TBI victims can also experience slurred speech, speaking too quickly or very slowly, as well as problems with reading comprehension.

Other issues that can arise

Traumatic brain injury victims could also experience the following long-term issues:

  • Trouble making and keeping personal or professional relationships.
  • Trouble participating in social activities.
  • Trouble taking part in leisurely or recreational activities.
  • A decrease in their ability to keep a job or attend school.

What you can do after a traumatic brain injury

It is important to note that not everyone experiences all of these symptoms. Brain injury symptoms vary from person to person. If you or a loved one have sustained a traumatic brain injury, the number one focus is on your medical care and recovery. If the injury was caused by the careless or negligent actions of another individual, company, or entity, you may need to speak to an experienced Nashville traumatic brain injury attorney. You could be entitled to compensation that will help with your recovery. The costs of long-term care for a traumatic brain injury can be tremendous, and they can place a major financial strain on the victim and their family.