Bicycle Hit and Run Accident: What Should You Do?

A bicyclist should never have to worry about being struck by another vehicle. However, we know that the negligent actions of drivers can lead to severe injuries in the event a collision with a bicycle occurs. But what happens if a driver hits a bicyclist and then flees the scene? 

Here, we will discuss the steps that a bicyclist should take to ensure their well-being and secure the compensation they are entitled to after a bicycle hit and run accident in Tennessee. 

1. Call 911 Immediately

As soon as a bicycle accident occurs, somebody at the scene of the incident needs to call 911. The police need to be notified about the incident, and EMS professionals must come to the scene if there are any injuries. Law enforcement officials will conduct a preliminary investigation and complete the accident report that every party at the scene will need.

2. Seek Medical Care

It is vital for a bicycle accident victim to seek medical care as soon as possible. Not only does this ensure the bicyclist’s well-being, but it also establishes a solid link between the crash and the injuries. Even though a bicyclist may not feel any pain in the immediate aftermath of the incident, they still need to go to the doctor for an evaluation. The signs and symptoms of some bicycle accident injuries in Tennessee do not appear until hours or days after a crash occurs. There are several hidden injuries that can wreak havoc on a bicyclist’s body if they do not seek medical care immediately.

3. Gather as Much Evidence as Possible

If it is safe to do so at the scene of a bicycle crash in Tennessee, those involved should begin gathering as much evidence as possible. This can include using a cell phone to take photographs of the damage to vehicles or the bicycle, injuries, traffic and weather conditions, debris around the scene, skid marks, and more.

Additionally, if there were any eyewitnesses to the crash, their names and contact information need to be written down as soon as possible. These individuals can provide valuable statements to insurance carriers or to a personal injury jury if necessary.

4. Contact a Bicycle Accident Attorney

Injured bicyclists need to consider speaking to a Nashville bicycle accident lawyer who can handle every aspect of their claim. An attorney who gets involved early will be able to conduct a complete investigation into the incident and begin the process of obtaining maximum compensation for their client.

5. Contact Your Insurance Carrier

Injured bicyclists need to contact their insurance carrier. Even though it may not make sense to contact an auto insurance carrier, please understand that most bicycle accident claims are resolved through insurance carrier settlements in the state of Tennessee. The bicyclist’s insurance carrier can open up a dialogue with the at-fault party’s insurance carrier to begin the settlement process. If a bicyclist is working with an attorney, the attorney should be the one to handle all communication with insurance carriers.

6. Document Day-to-Day Activities

We always recommend that injured bicyclists keep a journal or diary to document their day-to-day activities after the crash occurs. This includes their level of pain and suffering, documenting every doctor visit or rehabilitation session, as well as how the crash has affected their lives. This information could prove to be invaluable when it comes to presenting the case to a personal injury jury.