Truck Accidents

When To Hire An Attorney For A Truck Accident

The last thing that anybody expects is that they will be involved in an accident with a large commercial truck in Tennessee. However, large trucks are a heavy presence on our highways, and they provide vital services to our economy. These vehicles include semi-trucks, construction vehicles, municipal waste trucks, package delivery trucks, and more. However,… read more

What To Do If You’re In A Truck Accident

Driving around large commercial trucks can be a scary experience. These vehicles are much larger and weigh much more than traditional passenger cars on the roadway. If you or somebody you love has been involved in an accident with a large commercial truck, you need to know the steps to take to ensure that you… read more

Top Causes of Truck Accidents In Tennessee

Large commercial trucks are the lifeblood of the Tennessee economy. This has proven true regardless of what our country is going through. When the economy is strong, commercial trucks ensure that the strength of the economy is sustainable. When the economy crashes, citizens in Tennessee and throughout the United States and still need access to… read more

Who is Liable Semi-Truck Tire Blowout That Causes An Accident?

Admit it. You have thought about what would happen if one of those big tires blew out on a semi-truck when you are driving down the highway. We have all probably thought about what would happen if a semi-truck tire blows out. After all, the roadways in Tennessee are often littered with scrapped tires that… read more

What Are The Most Common Causes Of Truck Accidents In Tennessee?

The last thing anybody should have to worry about when they get behind the wheel of their vehicle is that they will be involved in an accident with a large commercial truck. However, these incidents do occur, and they can lead to devastating injuries. According to data provided by the Tennessee Department of Transportation, there… read more

What To Do After A Semi-Truck Hits Your Car

Large truck crashes can be incredibly devastating for everyone involved in the incident. According to the latest year of data from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), there were 4,567 large trucks involved in fatal crashes and 56,422 large trucks involved in injury crashes. We have many large trucks in Tennessee, both conducting business… read more

The Dangers of Truck Driver Exhaustion

Truck drivers are responsible for transporting large amounts of material all over the country and throughout Tennessee. The vehicles they operate are large and can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). Because of the danger that these vehicles pose, and the risk of serious injuries to… read more

Who Can Be Responsible for a Defective Tire in a Truck Accident?

When you are driving on the roadway, there is a good chance you will end up driving near a large truck. Large commercial vehicles can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds, and driving safely around them is important. However, there are times when crashes happen due to a large truck’s defective tire. You may wonder… read more

Accidents With Delivery Trucks

When you are out on the roadway, there is one type of vehicle you probably see each day – delivery trucks. These trucks have become one of the most common commercial vehicles on the roadways, and their numbers increase each day. With the rapid rise of online shopping, delivery trucks are the last leg of… read more

How Do Parked Trucks Cause Accidents?

When you hear about accidents involving large commercial trucks (eighteen-wheelers), you probably think of collisions that occur while the truck is moving. However, what many people may not realize is that serious accidents can occur when a large truck is parked near moving traffic. When we look at the overall large truck accident statistics provided… read more