Truck Accidents

My Loved One Was Killed in a Semi-Truck Accident: Do I Have a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

If you have lost a loved one in a semi-truck accident caused by the careless or negligent actions of a truck driver or trucking company, you may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit to recover compensation and closure. Here, we want to discuss how Tennessee’s wrongful death statutes could apply for accidents involving… read more

How Much Is My Semi-Truck Accident Injury Claim Worth?

Accidents involving large commercial trucks are often devastating, particularly those who may be riding in traditional passenger cars affected by the collision. The size and weight discrepancy between semi-trucks and smaller vehicles are the number one contributing factor to the devastation in these cases. If you or somebody you care about has been injured in… read more

How Long Does it Take to Settle a Semi-Truck Accident?

If you or somebody you care about has been injured in an accident caused by the careless or negligent actions of a truck company or truck driver, you may be entitled to various types of compensation for your losses. However, truck accident claims can become complicated and time-consuming. Here, we want to discuss how long… read more

Spoliation Letters For A Truck Accident

Truck accidents often result in severe injuries for those involved, particularly drivers and passengers in traditional vehicles. In the aftermath of a crash involving a commercial truck, attorneys and insurance carriers will need to sift through the evidence in order to determine how the crash occurs. Unfortunately, there are times when evidence is altered, destroyed,… read more

What Is A Truck Driver’s Logbook And How It Can Help Your Case?

Large commercial trucks are the lifeblood of the Tennessee economy. These vehicles and their drivers provide goods and services throughout our state as well as the rest of the country. Truck drivers spend countless hours on the roadway, and this can, unfortunately, lead to monotony and fatigue. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), which… read more

How Fault Is Determined In A Semi-Truck Accident

Accidents involving large commercial trucks often result in devastating injuries for those involved. This is particularly true for any driver or passenger in a traditional vehicle involved in the crash. In the aftermath of these traumatic incidents, it is crucial for any victim to determine fault for the case so that they can secure the… read more

What is the Truck’s Black Box and How Can It Be Used as Evidence?

Accidents involving large commercial trucks can be devastating for those involved. This is particularly true for those riding inside traditional passenger vehicles that may be involved in the accident. When an accident involving a commercial truck does occur, it is crucial for victims to work with a skilled truck accident attorney in Nashville who can… read more

Truck Driver Fatigue And How It Can Effect Your Case

Accidents involving large commercial trucks often result in severe injuries for those involved. This is particularly true for those riding and traditional passenger vehicles struck by these large trucks. A leading cause of large commercial truck accidents is fatigued driving. All commercial truck drivers must abide by federal hours of service requirements, but these requirements… read more

Truck Blind Spots: Who Is Liable For An Accident?

Driving around large commercial trucks on the roadways can be fairly intimidating. Most drivers in traditional passenger vehicles tend to keep their distance from these large trucks on the road, but that is not always possible. Unfortunately, there are times when smaller vehicles get into a truck’s blind spots, and this can lead to severe… read more

Why You Should Hire A Truck Accident Lawyer

Accidents involving large commercial trucks can be devastating. Victims who have sustained an injury will find that the aftermath of these incidents can be very confusing, particularly when trying to establish liability to recover compensation. If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident involving a commercial truck, you should secure assistance… read more